In Your Dreams

The universe is so much bigger than you could ever imagine. I think about it all the time, probably too much.

I know I’m not the only one who has ever had one of those really crazy dreams that just feel so real, you start to question if it actually happened. There have been so many times where I’ve had dreams that are so unexplainably random, I’m really starting to feel like, saying it doesn’t mean anything, would be way too simple.

What does it all mean? It’s just like Billie Eilish said. When we all fall asleep, where do we go?

I come back to this question all the time because, I swear, I dream almost every night. And for the most part, I remember them vividly. But for all the rest, the ones that escape from your mind quicker than you can open your eyes, those are the ones that really make you think.

I really hate not being able to remember. Anyone that’s ever seen the movie inception knows, dreams feel real while we're in them, it's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange.

I keep saying I’m going to start a dream journal but I always end up forgetting about it for like a month and never doing it. This is why I just put a notebook under my pillow and every morning I’m going to write down exactly what I remember. Who knows, maybe things will start adding up.

I think our dreams mean a lot more than we think. Maybe by writing them all down, they’ll make more sense. But I think it’s way too easy to just think that they don’t matter. Or that they’re all just random projections of our subconscious and don’t mean anything.

It always seems so real.

There are an infinite number of realities, an infinite number of ‘yous’ living out different lives. It’s true. What if our dreams are just a different version of ourselves from another reality.

What would the other me be doing?

Honestly, I think she’s having a tough time over there, considering the last dream I had.

Basically, I was sneaking into some big house, scaling a wall with my feet moving along this little tiny ledge. I was trying to get to the other side of the room and I distinctly remember that I was moving very slowly because I didn’t want to make any noise.

You can’t make this stuff up.

The thing that always freaked me out the most about dreams is all the details. Especially when there’s a stranger in one of them. They say that you can’t dream about someone you haven’t seen in real life. Whether it be someone you passed on the street or in the grocery store, you can’t dream of someone you haven’t seen.

Everyone in the world dreams and none of us know exactly what they’re supposed to mean.

I’ve looked it up so many times and the “dream pros” say that dreams don’t really mean anything.

I don’t believe it for a second. It ALL means something. Maybe dreams are revealing parts about ourselves that we don’t even see yet.

Of all the dreams you’ve ever had in your entire life, there are always some that just stick with you a little longer than the rest. Having a dream about a specific person or someone you know, usually feels special. Have you ever dreamed about the same person twice? Even three times?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a long-time. We started going out in high school back in 2016 and let’s just say, I’ve had a lot of dreams about the two of us. Sometimes there are a lot of people in them, and sometimes it’s just us. Things definitely weren’t always perfect in our relationship. We’ve had our ups and downs, and anytime we were ever broken up, almost all of my dreams would be about him.

I remember having this one dream, one of those that just sticks with you a little longer than the rest.

I was just standing somewhere, in the middle of nothing. There was white all around me, like the scene in Harry Potter when Harry talks to Dumbledore beyond the grave. I was just standing there. He walked up to me, slowly put his hand on my face, and kissed me. Then I woke up.

I sat there for a while, wondering what it all could have meant.

Eventually, I put my head back on my pillow and tried to go back to sleep as quickly as I could in hopes of bringing it all back.

Maybe one day we’ll find out. Maybe we’ll never know. I just don’t think anything is that simple.

I find it fascinating how different everyone is. Why are people born with dreams of their own? Dreams to become an actor or an artist. Everyone is born with their own likes and dislikes. Some people can sing and some people absolutely cannot (me).

That’s what really gets me. All of the details, that’s where the beauty lies. Because I mean, if everyone was the same, would there really even be anyone at all?

I’m sure anyone else that overthinks everything knows how easy it is to get lost in the details.

I’m starting to learn that nothing is ever going to go as planned. It’s never going to happen on your time. The universe has a plan, and it’s always going to happen when the universe feels like it should.

Maybe some dreams are supposed to disappear because they’re only meant to be temporary.

All of the dreams you once had but forgot about. Your aspirations that disappeared with time. Maybe they’re supposed to disappear because they were only meant to guide you towards the next one. We can’t control our destiny, at least that’s what I believe.

Once I started thinking like this, I realized it all matters. As much as we don’t want to admit it because that’s way too much to think about at once. It all matters.

Every decision you’ve ever made, big or small, made a difference.

You just have to trust that you’re exactly where you're supposed to be.

What’s meant to be will be.

Maybe every single dream that you’ve ever had was just another version of yourself trying to communicate with the “you” that is here. Maybe it all matters.

Is it all just a dream? Or is it real?

Maybe it always feels so real, because it is.


To My Mom


Growing Up