To The Stars

Dear future me,

I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately. I guess some part of me is scared of the future… of all the possibilities that lie ahead. Just think about it, everything that we are experiencing is temporary. Like the time when your teacher sat you down and asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up. Despite the fact that we always had an answer, we never truly knew and after a while, they kind of just stopped asking. Life is temporary.

One day we won’t be here anymore. One day we are going to be old and the only regrets that we are going to have will be the things that we didn’t do. We only have one life, one chance to do everything it is that we want to do. Maybe it’s just me but I feel like I’m at a crossroads every single day. I am constantly wondering if I’m making the right decisions.

Who do I want to be? Where do I want to go? What do I want to see? Do I follow the road less traveled or take the safe route? Mathew McConaughey once said, “guilt and regret kill many a man before their time, turn the page, get off the ride, you are the author of the book of your life.” The real question is, how do I know when to turn the page?

All I really want is to do what I love and make some money doing it. Although I recently added another little life requirement for us. I really want to live somewhere where I can see the stars. Being from New York is cool and all, but I can’t see any stars at night.

Not even one.

I know they are there, I just can’t see them. I think deep down everyone thinks about the future in some way or another. We all know that it’s inevitable. I think the most important thing is figuring out who you are and holding onto that as if your life depends on it because it kinda does. Define success for yourself.

Maybe it’s having the career you’ve always wanted, making lots of money, or being famous. Your answer will change a lot over time and that’s okay too. It’s supposed to. So just define success for yourself, I know it may sound cliche but you can do anything. Never doubt your ability to be great, we are a part of something way bigger than any of us will ever understand.

Things do happen for a reason, sometimes I still have to remind myself of this. You do not need to move so quickly towards your goals but you shouldn’t move too slowly either.

Be consistent, just like the waves. You can never fail until you stop trying. Be like the waves and never give up.

Whatever it is you are going through, there is a reason I promise you. Everything matters. Embrace your moments of weakness and whenever you’re feeling down, look up, literally and figuratively, and you’ll realize, we were never meant to be perfect. You are the author of the book of your life, turn the page.

Never ignore your heart, it knows a lot more than we ever will.

Anyways, I hope that you are happy.

Keep heading in the direction of your dreams, and just know that you have always been sure of where you want to go in life. I guess if someone was to ask me today what I wanted to be or where I wanted to go, that answer would be easy.

To the stars.


The City So Nice They Named It Twice


Waitlisted to FIT