Ciara Jewel

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Love Letters

Is it just me, or does no one write love letters anymore?

I’m not talking about essay-long text messages, but real love letters. The kind you can hold in your hands and keep in your closet. Even regular letters are hard to come by nowadays.

Ever since texting became a thing, nobody writes to each other. It has become a thing of the past. And yes I know that when it comes to texting you can go back and re-read the messages, but it’s still not the same.

Call me an old soul, but I would much rather have someone express their love for me on paper vs. on an iPhone. I think it’s safe to say that everyone is in love with something. It doesn’t have to be a person. If you search up the words ‘love letter’, Google will tell you that a love letter is an expression of love in written form.

Now I don’t know about you guys, but it’s a lot more than that in my opinion. Anything can be an expression of love in written form.

But when someone writes a love letter. No. That’s different. They feel something and they want someone to know it. If you’ve ever found yourself writing one, usually it’s because you wanted to tell someone something.

That you love them. Why you love them. Why you miss them. Maybe you just want I love you to mean a little bit more than if you simply said it out loud. The words we speak are a lot less meaningful than the words we write. It’s just different on a piece of paper.

And according to Google’s definition, they don’t necessarily have to be written to someone. But why would someone ever spend their time writing a love letter to something instead of to someone? My question is, why wouldn’t they?

You can save them all and re-read them in 10 years. You’d be able to save the small things in life that you love. To be honest, a big fear of mine is growing up and forgetting the person that I am today, or the person that I was yesterday.

But lately, I’ve realized, I don’t write things down so I can remember them, I write things down so that I can forget. For example, I’ve never been fully satisfied with being comfortable.

Actually, when I was younger I used to think that when things were going a little too good, you know that almost too good to be true feeling, it was the calm before the storm. I always thought something bad was right around the corner. I don’t even blame myself, unfortunately, I was usually right. You turn that corner and lose one of your best friends, you go through a breakup, and your car breaks down.

These aren’t the worst things that someone can go through, but they’re still not the best. And at the end of the day, I always made sure to appreciate the good times. I knew they were temporary.

Well-deserved, but still temporary.

There have been many ups & downs now that I think about it. I didn’t enjoy high school that much (down), so I decided to graduate early (up). I got waitlisted to FIT (down),

3 months later I got my acceptance letter (up). My point is that the downs are necessary. Without them, how could you ever fully appreciate the ups? Without them, there would be no ups at all, just a straight line. The best part about life is that it’s unpredictable. The best moments in life are the ones we could’ve never predicted.

Sometimes the thought of people thinking my life is in any way perfect really scares me. It would be like someone was telling me every struggle or down I’ve ever gone through didn’t matter or didn’t actually happen in the first place. That’s why I want to come on here and just write. About everything. I am in love with the ups and downs.

Just like Miley Cyrus told us in 2009, it ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side, it’s the climb. So go write a love letter to something. Anything. This way, you can forget trying to stay the same in fear of forgetting who you once were, and you can just live.

You just gotta figure out what it is that you’re in love with.

Then spend every day expressing your love, not just in written form, but in every form possible.